Swift and Seamless Invoicing with Saphyte

Published on February 25, 2021
2 min read
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2 min read

With the expedited transformation of the digital world, businesses are now faced with the need to keep up with the demands of their clients. Everything needs to be seamless, swift, and accurate. From processes, documents, and even responding to customers.

You feel like having to juggle different things all at the same time. That is why Saphyte has worked hard over the past months to bring something new for your business.

With that, Saphyte is excited to announce its newest addition to the list of features.  Saphyte introduces its newest module – Invoicing.

What is the Invoice feature about? 

It sounds like such a simple task, but the primary purpose of your invoice is to provide businesses and your clients with a record of sale. The invoice serves an important purpose in small business accounting and invoices demonstrate your client’s obligation to pay you for your services.

For business owners and clients, it’s important to make ends meet. Delayed invoices can derail both businesses and easily place people on hold.

Saphyte acknowledges the existence of these potential problems. Henceforth, creating the Invoice module for businesses.

How the Invoice Module is Useful for your Business?

Manual work is more harmful than it is helpful. Scrounging through files, switching from one platform to another, and manual data entry can take a lot of time.

With Saphyte’s newest feature, you can remove extra steps and be effective at the same time. Here are some of the benefits of the Invoice Module for your business.

Generate Invoices Swiftly and Easily

Say goodbye to switching from one platform to another, or spend extra steps just to create and send out your invoice. With Saphyte’s Invoice module, you can lessen data entry errors and store important product information, and other important information in one place.

Save and Reuse Product Codes

Gone are the days when you have to memorize or search your whole file system for product codes, calculating discounts and taxes, and product descriptions. Saphyte’s Invoice module makes way for you to better utilize your time by storing product codes, discounts and tax information into the system.

With so much to do and accomplish these days, what you need is a system that works for you and your business. No more having to refer to papers or digging through your files.

Send Invoices with Confidence

Did you know that there’s a high possibility for your invoices to reach the spam folders instead of your client’s inbox? The reason for this is that most invoices and quotes look generic, earning them a spot in the spam folder, but this isn’t the case with Saphyte.

With Saphyte’s Invoice feature, aside from streamlining your documentation process, you can be assured that your emails will reach your client’s inbox.

How to Use the Invoice Module?

 Generating invoices is easy as breathing. Here are the steps you need to follow.

Log in to your Saphyte Enterprise account.

Don’t have an account yet? Sign-up for our Enterprise account today.

Want to take a look around? Saphyte is more than willing to take you through our system. Book a free demo with us.

Click the Admin panel.

Under the Marketing and Sales Menu, click on Invoices.

Begin editing or making your invoice according to your own requirements.

Once you’re done, save the document, and send the invoice to your client. 


Creating invoices shouldn’t be complicated. Get an invoicing system that works for you and your business. Invest with Saphyte now.

May 17, 2022