4 Ways Data-Driven Marketing Decisions Can Help Your Company

Published on August 17, 2021
3 min read
Icon Saphyte Team
3 min read

Data-driven marketing decisions give companies an edge. They’re more responsive to real-world needs and drive significant customer acquisition better than marketing without data.

Marketing teams throughout history have relied solely on intuition and trial and error in making decisions. Some base their next decisions on their successes and the success of other companies. 

But one company’s marketing model may not necessarily work for another. History is not necessarily bound to repeat itself. That’s why for modern marketers, data is what takes them to a higher level.

With data-driven marketing, companies are able to personalize their interactions with potential and existing customers and engage them better. It improves customer experience, which helps leads convert into customers and encourage existing ones to stay.

What you should know:

Modern marketing teams use data to know more about their customers and send them targeted content tailored to their needs and interests. This approach is known to give improved conversion rates and drive more sales.

Data-driven marketing lets you know more about your customers. It provides a more personalized approach that lets you stand out from the crowd.

It also helps you cut down costs and optimize the impact of your marketing efforts and helps you gain better control over your business.

What is data-driven marketing?

Data-driven marketing is an approach that uses data to gain insights and a better understanding of trends to make more precise marketing decisions. The approach spans from the collection of clean data to the analysis of such data to guide companies in making better decisions.

With the use of technologies and tools such as software and apps, data-driven marketing has now become a lot easier to do than before. Successful companies often attribute their success to data-driven marketing, especially in a competitive environment where one small decision can make or break them.

Four ways data-driven marketing helps you

Collecting data and interpreting this data is essential in data-driven marketing. But how will all these help you? Check out these four ways data-driven marketing can benefit your company:

1. It helps you know more about your customers

In a sea of information, what separates you from your competitors is your relevance— is the information this company giving me relevant to my needs and interests?

You can only answer this question if you have sufficient data or information about your customers. And this data can be gathered through forms or surveys that customers can fill out when visiting your website.

Check out how you can configure your website to automatically prompt visitors to fill out a form for you:

Here, by filling out a form, all the relevant information is migrated and sorted automatically into your CRM database. With the CRM’s features and functionalities, you can use this database to manage your leads and customers with ease. 

For example, you can send targeted contented (such as stats or industry reports about automotive to customers listed as working in the automotive industry).

This builds trust among your target leads and customers. It helps build your credibility which allows you to build top-of-mind awareness and stand out in the competition.

2. It helps you save marketing costs while making campaigns more effective

Marketers commonly waste their advertising budgets by spending on campaigns that don’t guarantee results. With data-driven marketing, marketers can use tools to discover and determine which portion of their advertising budget gives the best result in terms of conversion or even brand awareness.

This helps marketers tweak their marketing campaigns to provide maximum impact at minimum costs.

3 .It helps give you an edge over your competitors

As mentioned above, personalization lets you stand out from the crowd because of your relevance and credibility. But more than that, knowing more about your customers also lets you plan ahead and build the best buying journey for them.

It lets you craft a system that your target customers would respond to the most and make that journey, that experience, the best among the best. 

In essence, it lets you know how to make yourself more accessible compared to existing marketing channels and provide the best customer experience, giving you an edge over your competitors.

4. It helps you make better decisions overall

Having access to data, to numbers, to results and consequences of your business decisions lets you quickly assess what to do next. This gives you better control over your business and cushion the risks and impact of bad decisions.

It also lets you determine which among the possible options give the best results, allowing you to climb the ladder to success quicker than anyone else.

Discover more what data can do for you

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May 17, 2022