5 Quintessential Email Phrases You Need to Know

Published on February 17, 2020
4 min read
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4 min read

It takes experience and expertise to know the composition of an effective email. It is difficult to figure out how to craft that email that makes recipients open it, click on links, and make actual purchases on the website your email provided.

But here, we make it easy for you. We have collected hundreds of emails that convert from email marketers around the world and we have summed it up to five. Here are the 5 quintessential email phrases you need to know:

1. “Thank you for [insert action]”

A lot of the phrases here are framed positively. This means that instead of apologizing to your clients, you can phrase them positively as an act of gratitude. For example, if a project’s submission was delayed and caused inconvenience to your client, instead of saying “I’m sorry for the delayed submission” you can instead replace it with “Thank you for your patience.”

Positive phrasing has worked a lot of wonders in the marketing industry. It has a powerful impact on the way customers perceive signals in stressful situations. It makes them more receptive of the message than defensive which should be your primary goal in the first place.

Starting your messages with “thank you” also creates a sense of connection between you and your customers. And it makes customers feel more appreciated than dismissed.

2. “Please feel free to [insert action]”

This is another example of positive phrasing where the words “please feel free” gives a sense of freedom to your customers instead of the more authoritative “let me know.” At this point, you may want your customers to provide important information or clarification. When there is a degree of comfort and freedom, customers tend to be more open about their questions which you can address right away.

Throughout the buyer’s journey, customers will inevitably come across something confusing to them. You want to get this feedback as this is crucial. Their questions are something that you can use to provide information right at the start of the buyer’s journey for future customers to avoid asking the same questions. These smoothen out the process of conversion– making your leads make their first purchase the soonest time possible.

3. “We understand that [insert action]”

This is a phrase that you use when going over something that the customer has done or has complained about. For example, if the customer complains about the quality of the product, you can include the phrase “We understand that the quality of the product did not meet your standards” or if you want to use positive phrasing, “We understand that you expected more from the product and we appreciate this feedback.”

By including this phrase, you are giving off the impression that you empathize, that you feel the same level of inconvenience or discomfort that the customer is experiencing and you want to correct that. Customers appreciate this. They feel like there is a sense of sincerity from the business to keep them and given the right conditions, this helps them stay loyal all throughout.

4. “We’d be happy to [insert action]”

This phrase breaks barriers and can instantly bridge people together. Sending an impression to your customers that offering them help will not cause you any inconvenience and will even excite you makes them feel warmly accommodated. Including the phrase “we’d be happy to help you” or “we’d be happy to fix this for you” instantly consolidates goodwill among your loyal customers.

5. “..you..”

Probably the one word that makes things less formal and more personal, using the word “you” helps give a sense of identity and familiarity to the recipient of the email. By including “you” in the email, the recipient automatically acknowledges that he is indeed the recipient of the message and any action implicitly or explicitly stated in the email will eventually affect the recipient.

The word “you” also makes the recipient more receptive to the message. It also makes them less defensive and more open about the content of the message.

So these are the five quintessential email phrases and words that you should know when sending emails to your customers.

For more email strategies, check out what is in store for you below:

1. Craft a subject line and preview text that your target readers won’t be able to resist

Ever read a subject line so punchy you just had to click on it and see what the email is about? The art of creating irresistible subject lines and preview texts requires a lot of creativity – and careful assessment to check whether something is working or not.

By writing excellent subject lines, your target readers have a higher chance of opening your email and actually reading it. This leads to higher chances of sales conversion happening, thus growing your business.

Examples of good subject lines:

Free *insert item* Alert!

*Don’t Open This E-mail!*

Hot Freebie Alert! Giveaways You Can Get This Week!

This is the Best *Insert Subject* You’ll Ever See

2. Know what to do with the right person

Not all customers are made the same. Your target customers have varying degrees of interaction with you (and they have varied preferences as well). 

Some customers would love to open an email of yours if it’s about discounts. Others may not fall for the same trap but would love to check new items that they might need. These differences are difficult to identify and monitor. And often you will need a tool for this like a CRM system.

3. Use the right tools for your e-mail marketing campaign

Tools that are designed to help you launch your e-mail marketing campaign may help you during the implementation period. Most of these tools offer automation options that allow you to send e-mails based on your desired schedule. These tools also often have built-in analytics that reports how many customers saw the e-mail, ignored them, or clicked on them, and how much of your sales actually come from these e-mails. Using the right tools help you take off a heavier workload for your sales and marketing teams. They also improve efficiency in work processes.

4. Personalize Your E-mail and Make a Segmented E-mail List

To improve your CTR, put a personal touch in your message and personalize your email. You can start off by just putting in the name of the recipient. To further personalize your email, you can even customize the CTA button according to the buyer persona of the recipient.

You can engage them according to their age, gender, job title, and other relevant information about your recipients like location and interests. For example, if the customer is still a student, get a CTA button that is relevant to a student’s needs. If a customer is a professional, say an engineer, get a CTA button that engineers would be enticed to click.

A segmented e-mail list is also important for a successful e-mail marketing campaign. Segmentation is the process of grouping recipients together according to commonalities. Overall, a segmented e-mail list allows you to craft a message that is specific and relevant to a particular segment.

5. Include interactive content in your e-mail

Capturing the attention of your recipient within the first eight seconds is crucial. With the exposure to millions of information every day, it comes as no surprise that the average customer attention span only lasts until 8 seconds.

To get your recipients’ attention and ensure it will last, make your content interactive. Include Infographics, videos, surveys, polls, quizzes, calculators, and images so you can sustain your readers’ attention until they reach your CTA button.


So these are the five quintessential email phrases and words that you should know when sending an email plus general strategies that you can use to improve your email marketing campaign. Now start planning on making that email marketing campaign for your business.

April 22, 2020