9 Email Marketing Best Practices to try in 2022

Published on May 14, 2022
3 min read
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3 min read

Is your email marketing strategy stagnating in performance? Learn more about the email marketing best practices in 2022 here.

If you think email marketing is no longer working, you thought wrong. According to statistics, marketers still use email marketing as a way to generate leads and drive sales. In fact, 89% of marketers say that email is their main channel for lead generation, and 93% use email for distributing content.

What are the email marketing best practices that marketers should try in 2022? Check out down below.

Email Marketing Best Practices in 2022

Here are nine best practices for email marketing in 2022 for you:

1.   Use your web landing pages to generate qualified leads

The best way to generate leads for your email marketing strategy is not to purchase contact lists, but to use your web landing pages.

There’s a reason why they’re visiting your website— they might be reading your blogs or browsing your products or stumbled there by accident. Either way, they’re more likely to be potential customers who will find your business relevant to their needs and preferences.

This increases the chances of them subscribing to your newsletter when prompted to sign up. This also increases the chances of them making a purchase.

Check out how your website’s landing pages can generate leads for you:

2.   Have your emails come from a first name

Seeing a person’s first name to contact you makes you put value in the email, compared to just seeing a brand’s name. Having joe@companyname.com makes you more likely to open the email. It also makes it compliant with regulations.

3.   Personalize your email

Stating your contacts’ first names help grab their attention right away This may be difficult to do manually, but with email marketing tools like Saphyte’s, you can automatically greet recipients with their first names.

Learn more about why personalization is important in 2022.

4.   Stick to two fonts or typefaces (or less)

Don’t distract readers with varying fonts and typefaces. Use two of them for variety and emphasis, and one if you just want to be straightforward.

Also, try to use web-safe fonts with sizes between 10 and 12 to ensure your email can be read on all devices.

5.   Update your mailing list regularly

This means cleaning your mailing list and getting rid of those on the list that will never open your emails. This helps increase your open rate and make it accurate.

Schedule removal of those who haven’t engaged with your emails over a certain period of time (3 months of not opening your emails is suggested). You can also implement a workflow such as moving inactive subscribers from weekly to monthly newsletters or sending a “return incentive” email before removing them from the list.

6.   Place your CTA button “above the fold”

“Above the fold” is what’s immediately visible to the reader before they scroll down.  That part is very important as it determines whether the information is valuable to the reader or not and it could result in the reader either continuing to scroll down or closing your email.

According to research,  57% of readers’ viewing time is spent on the above-the-fold content. This is why your CTA button and other important information should be placed there.

7.   Conduct A/B testing

A/B testing is a marketing approach where two versions of a single variable are tested to see which version yields a more favorable result.

For example, two CTA buttons are tested to see which one yields more clicks— (a) Register Now or (b) Book Now. “Book Now” receives more clicks and is therefore used in campaigns moving forward.

A/B testing helps you improve your email marketing campaigns and spot what’s working and what isn’t.

8.   Improve your content strategy

Nothing is more valuable in your email marketing business than the content you’re sending out. To make sure your readers will open your email, make sure they find the content you’re sending relevant to their needs and interests.

Learn more about inbound marketing and content marketing here.

9.   Make your subject lines straightforward

Your subject line should be able to tell the reader what they need to know in the email. If it helps them with discounts, put it in the subject line. If it helps them know more about a topic, or about your product, put it in the subject line.

Don’t waste your readers’ time with fluff and nonsense. Help them help you.

Check out our tips to send better emails in 2022.

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June 8, 2022