Published on June 1, 2021
4 min read
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4 min read

The stages of building your online presence and your business are both terrifying and exhilarating.

It’s exhilarating and thrilling to watch your business grow. It’s exciting to see your site visitors and social media numbers grow. However, it can be terrifying at the same time because you’re also learning how to leverage your website to turn site visits into profits, and that can be daunting if you’re new to the whole process.

In this article, you’ll take a closer look at how you can effectively use landing pages to generate customers, no matter what type of business you have. And by the end of this article, you will take what you’ve learned and use it to improve the revenues of your business.

What are Landing Pages?

A landing page is a standalone web page in digital marketing explicitly created for marketing campaigns. Unlike web pages, landing pages are built for a single focus or goal. The goal for the site is for site “visitors” to click or respond to your strategically placed call-to-action buttons.

This characteristic of a landing page is why it’s the best option to increase your marketing campaigns’ conversion rates, lower your actual cost of acquiring a lead or sale, and target your customers effectively. Landing pages make an effective marketing tool because a person’s attention span can only hold up to 8-seconds, less than that of a goldfish. A landing page is simple and straightforward, and customers won’t be bored trying to explore around and eventually leave the page and leave you with nothing.

How Landing Pages can Effectively Target Customers

Targeted landing pages are customized and customer-voice type of landing pages used to drive specific customer personas, whether from organic posting or through paid advertising. Organizations that use landing pages see an increase in leads by 55% when they increase their landing pages number from 10 to 15.

Landing pages, specifically customer-targeted ones, offer more explicit information about a particular digital product or service designed to make convincing reasoning for that potential customer to convert into an actual paying one.

Benefits of Targeted Landing Pages for your Business

Landing pages have the potential to take your business to the next level. Here are some of the most notable benefits of targeted landing pages for your business.  

Improves Conversion Rates Impressively

According to a study by Insightera, account-based marketing can convert four times more traffic than other generic marketing towards wider audience bases.

Account-based marketing is an event in which you customize your marketing strategy based on a specific type of consumer.

Let that sink in for a moment — personalizing your marketing strategy with targeted landing pages can draw up to four times more conversions than a mere generic marketing approach. That number alone makes the extra legwork well worth it. Don’t you agree?

Reach More Audiences on a Personal Level

By segmenting your landing pages, you can reach different audiences and find ways to speak to them the best. A landing page is a great way to talk with your customers as landing page copies are short and straight-to-the-point.

Landing pages can address the different needs and interests in various aspects of your product or services. A single landing page can highlight the parts that appeal to your audience in separate targeted landing pages.

Significant Improvement with SEO

Building targeted landing pages on your site can give a massive boost to your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts. Targeted landing pages allow you to create more possibilities, add more keywords and use those keywords effectively to drive traffic to your website. Eventually, effectively you are drawing potential customers to your site and engaging them for a significant amount of time. The more engaged your site visitors are, the more visible your site will become for future potential customers seeking the same kinds of products or services you offer.

How you can Effectively Implement Targeted Landing Pages on Your Site
Build a Well-Designed Page

Never underestimate the potential of a well-designed landing page for converting purchases. Well-designed targeted landing pages should have plenty of white space and should never look too crowded or too wordy. You should incorporate images and only call-to-action buttons.

Write a Captivating Headline and Page Title

In digital marketing, content is always king. Ensure that your potential customer can quickly turn their heads to your headline and title of your landing page, and your page’s body should entail a short highlight of the benefits of your products.

The aim of your landing page must be precise —both from the title and from the headline. You want to guarantee that your potential customers landing on the page know what your product can do for them and feel convinced that they need your product today.

Put your Call-to-Action Buttons on the Spotlight

Your targeted landing pages’ call-to-action (CTA) buttons must be strategically placed and are clear to your customer’s viewing journey. The key to increasing your numbers in purchases or converts is placing your call-to-action buttons strategically because more than 90% of your visitors who read your headline also read your call-to-action copy. Even HubSpot found that anchor text CTAs have seen an increased conversion rate by 121%. So put your call-to-action buttons in the spotlight and use them effectively.

How Saphyte can Help you Implement your Landing Pages Effectively

Having a digital ecosystem partner to help you leverage the landing pages’ potential is a great business asset. A system like Saphyte can help you reach that goal with minimal effort and for a price that won’t break the bank.

Here are some of the most notable features of Saphyte that you can use.

Landing Page Builder

Landing pages are the most incredible lead generation machines for businesses. Creating these pages and storing data to your CRM takes many steps… until Saphyte’s Landing Page builder.

You can now build your landing page for your lead generation activities while seamlessly storing customer information into the system. With templates that fit like a glove, you can take your pick of the system’s templates, edit-as-you-go, and have creative designs in minutes.

Don’t have the proper technical experience, or perhaps hiring an in-house developer isn’t up to your budget yet? Then, you don’t have to worry. Saphyte’s Landing Page Builder, you can publish your pages within minutes.

Automated Workflows

Want to automate your workflows and enjoy not having to put in the extra legwork? Saphyte’s workflow automation, you can perform and automate your email marketing, lead generation, and other workflow automation tasks and get your business busy grinding and winning.

Saphyte Forms

With this latest feature, you can condition and position your business for success through effective customer profiling. Saphyte forms allow you to build essential customer intelligence as easily as 1,2 and 3 by acquiring, organizing, updating, and tracking customer intelligence. When done the right way, the data from your web forms can serve as the bridge to building out relevant and robust customer profiles.

Saphyte’s CRM is just a Bonus

The CRM feature of Saphyte is just a bonus to all these features. Having a central data repository and a place to perform all your sales, marketing, and admin tasks is Saphyte’s core function. You won’t have to spend so much time scouring through a mountain pile of files, switching from one platform to another and saving time and human resources as you go along.

Key Takeaway

Creating your customer profiles to target your customers effectively is a daunting process. But, if you have a reliable digital ecosystem partner to rely upon, you can be confident in your lead generation efforts.

Ready to leverage your landing pages and crunch up your numbers?

Contact us today to book a free demo or start your free trial now.

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June 1, 2021