2020’S Revolutionary Sales Tool

Published on October 14, 2020
2 min read
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2 min read

This year has been tough and memorable for everyone on the planet. Looking back, we have endured a lot of unexpected circumstances occurring one after another. Even the world’s economy is affected. A lot of businesses, both small scale and large, have closed. As a result, a lot of people from all over the world have lost their jobs. 

Luckily for some businesses, they were able to incorporate CRM in their business processes. It gave them the ability to be flexible virtually while the world is on lockdown. A customer relationship management (CRM) software is a technology that helps manage customer interactions to increase sales and profitability. By using a CRM system, you can improve sales management, workflow process, and productivity overall.

Having an awesome tool like CRM in your business is equivalent to discovering the magic recipe to help improve your sales. Especially in this time of crisis, we need all the help that we can get and CRM is just the tool to do it. Here are some of the reasons why CRM is considered 2020’s magic sales tool of the year.

Adaptability and flexibility

One of the many amazing traits of CRM is that it can be applied to various industries. If you are in the business of retail, CRM can provide an integrated platform for sales. If you are in the Real estate business, it helps manage client relationships and deals management. 

Even in the Education industry, CRM has been proven to be helpful. Especially since physical contact is highly discouraged nowadays, some schools have shifted physical classes to online classes. With this change, CRM helps by categorizing different students under specific courses and managing the instructors as well. 

The adaptability and flexibility of CRM to cater to business needs is magical. The scale of business doesn’t matter, whether you are a small scale business owner or a large scale enterprise, A CRM system can be personalized to accommodate your needs in whatever industry your business may be. 

Increase sales

One thing that business individuals always read about and research, is how to increase sales. Basically if the business is not earning, then it is doomed to fail. Sales is the lifeblood of every business and CRM can help you with this. 

According to a Salesforce survey, businesses that leverage CRM have a 29% increase in sales, a 34% increase in sales productivity, and a 42% increase in sales forecast accuracy. 

This survey result is not something surprising for CRM. Why? Because CRM provides tools that can optimize the productivity of your business. The basic logic is that CRM eases other business burdens, such as administrative work and repetitive tasks, so that you can focus on building customer relationships and generating effective sales strategies. 

If you are preoccupied with other tasks, chances are you will be ignoring a customer’s effort to contact you. They could be emailing, chatting you, or commenting on your social media to ask about a product they are interested in. Or, they could have concerns and problems they want to be addressed. 

Without CRM it is very difficult to satisfy the needs of your current and future customers as effectively as needed. But with CRM, customer satisfaction is increased. Higher satisfaction equals higher customer retention, and in turn, equals higher sales. 


CRM is the revolutionary sales tool we need for our business. With the increasing competition, it is nearly impossible to gain the upper hand without CRM. But don’t worry, systems like Saphyte are made to help you succeed in your business, whatever industry it may be. Saphyte can adapt to cater to your needs and provide solutions for all of your business processes. 

So if your business is still not using CRM, now is the perfect opportunity for you to incorporate CRM like Saphyte in your business.

October 14, 2020