How to Drive Growth Using a Complete Sales Management CRM

Published on March 11, 2021
3 min read
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3 min read

Businesses can achieve growth when they are able to perform necessary tasks such as generating leads from various channels, engaging these leads so they convert into customers, performing after-sales support to encourage repeat purchases and referrals, promoting the brand using ads to make it easier to generate leads and so on.

But all of these tasks can get repetitive, boring, and mechanical. That’s why some companies take advantage of CRM solutions to accomplish these tasks fast. CRM solutions not only make these operations error-free, but they also make them less costly, eliminating the need to hire more employees to perform tasks that the CRM software can perform better.

So imagine having a software as a personal assistant to perform your sales and marketing tasks and imagine this personal assistant to perform tasks 10x faster than your average employee. That’s what CRM solutions do and many businesses miss out on this!

What you should know:

A sales management CRM with complete features can help you accomplish necessary tasks faster, cheaper, and with fewer errors.

Features such as automation, team and workspace, sales and marketing tools are features you need to look for in a CRM to give you an all-around edge when it comes to engaging leads and customers.

When choosing a CRM software, you need to evaluate whether the CRM provider can provide you services that match your unique needs and preferences.

How to Drive Growth Using a CRM

Businesses can complete tasks faster, make workflows more efficient, and engage leads and customers better with a CRM. All of these tasks are essential in driving sales to the business and therefore achieving growth.

When looking to perform better using the CRM technology, take note of the following:

Lead Generation – take advantage of CRM’s lead generation automation features. Some CRMs can, for example, help you generate leads using your very own landing pages.

How to do this: Using the CRM, design a landing page that prompts website visitors to fill out a form with their contact information. You can encourage more visitors to give you their information using lead magnets. The CRM will then automatically migrate their information into the CRM database where you can perform drip marketing using the same CRM platform.

Drip Marketing – drip marketing uses a series of emails intended to encourage leads into making their first purchase or encourage customers to make a repeat purchase overtime.

How to do this: Using the CRM, you can automate the sending of emails based on trigger conditions. For example, when a new lead is registered into the CRM system, you can set up the CRM to send that lead an email to welcome him or her into your company. You can send a discount voucher or any promotional content to encourage that lead to make his or her first purchase.

Dashboards – CRM’s dashboards allow you to get updated with all the important data and information about your business. When choosing a CRM, choose one that allows you to customize your dashboard and select which information you’d like to see at first glance. Here, you can see information about the number of new leads you’ve acquired, or prospects or customers you’ve registered into the system.  You can also assess your sales performance or see your sales forecasts so you can make adjustments and smart decisions right away.

How to do this: Using the CRM, you can choose from the system’s templates or start from scratch with your own customized dashboard. Drag and drop tiles that you’d like to see at first glance. You can also create new dashboards for other functions such as sales, marketing, or other business aspects according to your preference.

Team Collaboration – CRMs often have features that allow for better team collaboration. Dashboards, as mentioned earlier, are an example of this. Having shared access to a database also helps with delivering a uniform service to leads and customers, letting your teams know what level of engagement you’ve provided to a lead or customer so you can directly provide a service that matches the current need of that lead or customer, eliminating repetitive behavior such as asking questions that have been previously asked by a team member or performing services that have been performed earlier. CRM databases also let you get a deeper level of understanding of a particular customer’s journey so you can personalize your services and overall improve the customer’s experience.

How to do this: Take note of the CRM’s functions that are related to lead and client management. Write notes about a particular customer so when another team member accesses the database, he or she will be notified of the previous interaction of the company with that particular customer.

Start Driving Growth with Saphyte

Saphyte has lead generation and drip marketing features that accelerate your sales conversion and help you drive growth in no time. It also has multiple, customizable dashboards to get you updated with the numbers so you can make data-driven decisions as you go along the way. Getting a safe and secure access to a single dashboard with features such as being able to make notes about a particular customer can also help your team deliver a better service and improving the customer experience in the long run.

Start your journey with Saphyte. Start driving growth by contacting our support team.

May 18, 2022