What is CRM Automation?

Published on August 4, 2022
3 min read
Integrations Sales
Icon Saphyte Team
3 min read

With the advent of the digital era also came a new technology: Automation. This technology marks the end of time-consuming business processes. The implementation of automation has maximized processing time in producing goods and services while retaining (or even upgrading) the quality. Now, businesses integrate this technology in their operations more often than you think.

But how does one use automation in their day-to-day business functions?

The Marvel that is CRM Automation

CRM automation is the automation of essential but recurring tasks in your business through a CRM system. These tasks are usually manual and repetitive, and automating them helps streamline work and boost productivity.

The primary purpose of implementing CRM automation is to automate customer service and sales functions that are otherwise time-consuming. With the help of AI or Artificial Intelligence, your sales team can follow through and handle excellent engagement efforts with your customers and leads.

The range of CRM automation applications includes the following typical daily tasks in the business, across marketing, sales, and service activities:

Inputting data (aka data entry)

Updating contacts

Calendar/schedule management

Communication details

Lead and opportunity updates.

Let’s dive deep further into what CRM automation can do.

CRM Automation and its Key Functions

Indeed, this technology has revolutionized how we do things across different industries, especially in business. CRM automation tools perform various functions, but we will only discuss the main functions you should consider when opting for the right CRM software for your business.

Managing contacts efficiently

We know that CRM acts as a dynamic digital database for your business, but a fundamental feature offered by almost all CRM automation software is contact management. The automation helps manage stored contact data of customers and leads, such as names, contact details, emails, social media profiles, company details, and the like. CRM provides easy access to customer data while handling and updating them in real-time.

Handling leads effectively

Tracking and keeping up with leads and lead activities is one of the tasks CRM automation has modernized and simplified. Manual tracking proved to be a huge bite out of precious business time. Through CRM automation, however, salespeople are updated with the latest information that can be used to engage with prospects and leads strategically. The function includes identifying, scoring, tracking, workflow management, and pipeline management of leads.

Managing documentations

Another function of CRM automation that helps you save time is the automation of documentation. Documenting data is essential in keeping track of all your business activities. Data included in the documentation are as follows: RFPs, quotes, invoices, transaction documents, sales templates, contracts, and more. With CRM, these pieces of information will be stored automatically in your database with real-time accuracy. Automating the process makes sure that these data are ready to access to be collected, uploaded, and shared by the sales team.

Facilitating integration with external tools

CRM automation allows you to combine complimenting software for easier access and use. It takes many tools to run a business, and this technology helps you integrate them into one dynamic system of tools. Applications such as project management tools, calendars/schedulers, email systems, etc., are managed into one software that helps boost productivity and efficiency. For instance, integration with a calendar/scheduling tool makes data for appointments and reminders available to your employee network; integration with an emailing tool enables your salespeople to keep track of their customer and prospect conversations while efficiently organizing their contact lists. It also fosters a collaborative ambiance between the sales team and the other company teams.

Laying out business reports and analytics

More than a database, CRM also employs reports and analytics over collected data to assist in making data-driven decisions for the business. With the automation of advanced analytics, CRM can imbue sales teams with enough data to make complex decisions that ultimately benefit the company. It allows you to see where you want to go as the one who leads the venture.

The CRM Automation Edge

We now know how CRM can automate your tiresome sales process and make time for more productive use. Implementing CRM automation in your business frees up time for focus and other meaningful and strategic tasks. But beyond that, CRM provides a whole lot more. From sales and marketing to teams and customer service, its scope is relentless by the day.

Investigate in what other ways you can optimize your business venture with CRM that will take it further like Saphyte!

Experience automation with Saphyte and witness your business rise above expectations—without additional fees! With Saphyte, you can access all of the tools you need for your sales, marketing, and team for USD99 a month. No implementation fees, no cap, and no hidden costs. Saphyte even offers local support for local businesses in Dubai! For our international clients, our customer service is free and is open 24/7.

Are you ready to efficiently modernize your business? Invest in a CRM system that brings the best out of your business! Book a demo or start your free trial with us today!

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August 6, 2022