How to Polish up your Lead Processes

Published on December 5, 2021
3 min read
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3 min read

Lead generation is a continuous and never-ending effort. No matter how much work and effort one puts into it, you’ll always be on the hunt for more leads next month. If you feel like you’re all alone, we’re telling you, you’re not alone. 

At least 53% of B2B marketers spend more than half of their yearly budget to make their lead generations effective. When companies understand that leads are the lifeblood of their business, placing a polished lead process is the next best thing that they can do. 

A high-conversion lead generation process means businesses are confident that their marketing will bring them a certain number of high-quality leads each month. Hence, giving them peace of mind to try out new initiatives, make data-driven decisions, and spend their budget on the most critical places.

So, will your business need a lead generation process? Yes, of course. Having a strategy for working your leads from brand awareness to closing a sale should be an integral part of your business. Lead generation processes help your sales team make sales and help your marketing business identify content and campaign opportunities. 

Are you for Manual or Automated?

As we all know, lead generation begins with understanding the customer journey, and the rest will go from there. However, there’s a specific challenge to the modern lead generation process nowadays: manual lead generation. 

Pushing through manual lead generation is a troublesome infrastructure because manual effort costs both time and financial resources. Also, manual lead generation is a complete waste of time for both your sales and marketing teams. Your sales teams are preoccupied with calls, and your marketing teams are occupied with the next opportunity. Both teams have no time to deal with manual customer research. 

Further, manual lead generation takes enormous research and can also adversely affect your business’s sales. That is why most companies prefer automated lead generation. We all know that time is equated with money. Time does not come for free, and businesses don’t have the luxury to waste even more time. Automated lead generation not only brings definite speed for your lead generation process but also accuracy.

How to Polish up your Leads Process with Automation

With the discussion above, automation wins the race by a large margin. Of course, your business will always have its unique lead generation strategy. The next big step you can take is to improve your process with the help of a leads automation tool. Saphyte got you covered when it comes to tools to make your lead generation better, accurate, and faster. Here are some tools we have on our sleeves. 

Lead Capture with Saphyte Sync

Most of the people your business wants to talk to are on LinkedIn. Manual data entry can cost you more time and more errors. With Sync, you can capture LinkedIn contacts with auto-populated information such as their name, company, email address, country, and other details. 

What’s even better? All your captured contacts automatically sync to your own Saphyte CRM, and it’s a free web extension tool for all Saphyte users. Nifty, eh? 

Show Creativity with Less Effort

Creativity takes a lot of time and effort, and for marketers, these two factors are hard to balance. Saphyte balances these two forces by bringing in marketing tools to help you create better opportunities. With email marketing, servers, and landing page templates ready for you to use. You can also use our low code/no-code solutions for our landing pages. You can show creativity with less effort. 

Marketing on Autopilot

Saphyte has plenty of automation tools that you can use to your marketing advantage. You can also run your marketing campaigns on autopilot with drip email marketing

Drip email marketing helps you automate the emails sent to your customers at a particular time or specific event and keep it over time. You can send out marketing emails based on varied trigger events such as when leads submit a form, open their emails, click, etc. Users can schedule the flow of your marketing email campaign by setting the specific count, time, days, or hours before sending an email to their leads.

Users can also track and monitor all the contacts on the waiting list of their drip marketing campaign. Not only that, users can measure the success of their drip email campaigns and go beyond metrics like open rates and clicks and focus more on your email list value, the subscribers’ activity, and the engagement rate. You never have to worry about manually sending emails ever again!

Plenty of Tools too Long to List on this Blog

Saphyte has plenty of tools up on its sleeves that this blog can’t merely cover. From Marketing, Sales, Teams, Connect, and Integrations – Saphyte has you covered. 

Taking the next big step but don’t know where to start? Ask our digital ecosystem experts by booking a demo today! We’re ready to help you accelerate and achieve the best for your business. 

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April 27, 2022