CRM to Prove its Worth Post Pandemic

Published on July 19, 2020
3 min read
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3 min read

The pandemic has disrupted our normal routine and the normal way we do business.  This situation has forced small to medium businesses in maintaining and building relationships with consumers when their world has been turned upside down.

The facing tension between generating sales during this time of extreme economic hardship and respecting the threats to life and livelihood are ever present these days. This tension has also impacted priorities and preferences of customers.

With this in mind, how then can small to medium enterprises make ends meet and even survive the market post-pandemic?

The answer: A Customer Relationship Management system. You might wonder how a single piece of software can help businesses rise post-pandemic.

A CRM can put the HEART back into your business and assist in withstanding the demand of the new normal post-pandemic. 

What is HEART?

Humanizing your business

Educating about change

Assuring stability

Revolutionizing offerings

Tackling the future

How can CRM do these things? You might be surprised, here are some of the CRM features to help you bring the HEART to your business.

CRM can Humanize your Business Process

Personalization always starts with quality data. CRM is a great starter for companies who want to organize their data, and store and process them in one place. A CRM can easily organize your information by grouping your leads, prospects, or clients into custom categories.

Having quality data and leads, the humanization part of your business will be easier. With a CRM you can track the history of all your client’s interactions with your team in one place under the Notes tab, saving you time and effort. You can also schedule a call, add a reminder, or set a meeting and set the time, date and notifications.

Equipping your sales team with the right data can help them personalize their interactions with your potential and current customers. When you personalize your interactions, your customers will see the human side of your business hence, encouraging repeat business.   

CRM Helps you Educate your Customers on Market Changes 

CRM is built with email marketing tools to make your campaigns easier. Educating your customers shouldn’t be hard. That is why a CRM can help you.

With all the necessary tools for your campaign management, social media marketing, email marketing, form builders, and more. Plus, product catalogs and email templates builder allows for further customization of your campaigns for your customers.

Furthermore, CRM is built with email senders and email tracking algorithms to level up your email campaigns and optimize in the future.

CRM can Assure your Customers of the Stability

Another advantage for CRM is how it focuses on helping businesses build their customer trust. The email marketing tools are just the start. CRM is also built with tools you need to manage your sales.

Again, this is because of streamlined and quality data. Plus, business process features like Deals Management and Sales Pipeline.

The sales pipeline allows you to set up the stages of your sales tailored to your business processes. You can track and monitor the progress of your deals throughout the simplified sales pipeline.

Furthermore, CRM provides you with the tools to manage your deals and prioritize them. You can easily identify the hot prospects in the dashboard which will help you close deals easier and maximize your revenue.

When you know where your customer stands, you can offer security along their sales journey. When your customers are secured along their journey, you’re also offering them assured stability.

CRM can Help you Revolutionize your Offerings

Built with Sales Intelligence and Sales Forecasting tools, a CRM can help you predict your customer’s behaviors. When you have the data and knowledge of your customer’s preferences and patterns, you can revolutionize your offerings.

When your offerings are customer-centric, what else could go wrong, right?

CRM can Help you Tackle the Future

If you’re fortunate, you’ll get a CRM that is built with automation features like Workflow Builders, Customizable Dashboards and Integration tools to help you further streamline your corporate activities.

With these features, you are able to automate most of your corporate activities and equip you for the future. All without spending too much.


If you want to start investing for the future, start investing with Saphyte now.

Saphyte is a CRM software built to support your sales, marketing, and customer service departments. With tools that can help you automate your tasks, create workflows that work around your processes, email templates that can help you with your campaigns, and more tools to come.

Furthermore, Saphyte has a pay-as-you-go monthly fee scheme that fits with your budget. No set-up fees, a free demo, and a 24/7 customer support readily available in every subscription plan. 

Make an investment with a reliable CRM software today. Start it by choosing Saphyte as your CRM partner. Contact us for a free demo or start your free trial now.

July 19, 2020