
email marketing

The Power of Automated Email Marketing Campaigns

3 min read

For digital marketing, professionals often face the challenge of effectively engaging their audience. One potent solution gaining traction is automated email marketing. 

This article explores the transformative power of automated email campaigns, providing insights into the benefits of email marketing for customer engagement and shedding light on the challenges posed by manual email campaigns.

We’ll also discuss the role of CRM systems in automating email marketing, delving into personalization and segmentation strategies, and highlighting the importance of measuring email campaign success. Let’s get started.

The Benefits of Email Marketing for Customer Engagement

Email marketing remains important in customer engagement, offering a direct and personalized channel for businesses to communicate with their audience.

Studies consistently affirm the effectiveness of email marketing in driving customer engagement, with McKinsey reporting that email is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than social media platforms.

Moreover, email marketing provides a direct line of communication, enabling businesses to reach their audience at their convenience.

Whether it’s a promotional offer, a newsletter, or personalized content, email campaigns can be tailored to meet recipients’ specific needs and interests. This targeted approach not only enhances customer satisfaction but also contributes to increased brand loyalty and trust.

Challenges of Manual Email Campaigns

While the benefits of email marketing are evident, the traditional manual approach poses significant challenges for entrepreneurs. Manually managing email campaigns is not only time-consuming but also prone to errors.

Professionals often stress with the tedious task of individually sending emails, tracking responses, and managing subscriber lists. This manual effort drains valuable time and resources and limits the scalability of email marketing efforts.

Furthermore, manual campaigns need help to keep pace with the dynamic needs and expectations of the audience. In the era of personalization, generic and one-size-fits-all emails often fall flat.

Automated email campaigns powered by CRM systems present a compelling solution to these challenges, offering efficiency, scalability, and the ability to deliver personalized content to a broader audience.

CRM’s Role in Automating Email Marketing

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems have emerged as a vital tool in automating email marketing efforts. These platforms seamlessly integrate with email marketing tools, allowing professionals to streamline and automate various aspects of their campaigns.

CRM systems manage customer data and facilitate targeted and personalized communication through automated workflows.

One of the critical advantages of CRM-driven automation is the ability to send personalized emails based on customer behaviors, preferences, and interactions with the brand. For example, suppose a customer frequently engages with content related to a specific product.

In that case, the CRM can trigger an automated email showcasing similar products or offering personalized discounts. This level of customization enhances the content’s relevance and significantly improves the chances of conversion.

Personalization and Segmentation Strategies

Automated email marketing enables professionals to elevate their campaigns through advanced personalization and segmentation strategies.

Instead of sending generic emails to the entire subscriber list, CRM-driven automation allows for creating dynamic segments based on various criteria such as demographics, behavior, or purchase history.

For example, a clothing retailer can segment its audience based on past purchases. Customers who previously bought winter wear might receive emails showcasing new winter collections. At the same time, those who preferred summer clothing could be targeted with promotions for seasonal outfits.

This tailored approach ensures that recipients receive content aligned with their interests and fosters a sense of individualized attention, leading to higher engagement and conversions.

Measuring Email Campaign Success

The effectiveness of any marketing strategy lies in its ability to deliver measurable results. Automated email marketing, with the aid of CRM systems, provides professionals with robust tools for tracking and measuring campaign success.

Metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and subscriber engagement can be easily monitored and analyzed.

Understanding these metrics is crucial for refining and optimizing future campaigns. For instance, if a particular email garners a high open rate but a low conversion rate, professionals can adjust the content, call-to-action, or targeting parameters to improve results.

This iterative analysis and adjustment process empowers professionals to continuously enhance the impact and efficiency of their email marketing efforts.

Five Best Practices for Effective Automated Email Marketing Campaigns

Here are best practices for effective automated email marketing campaigns:

  1. Segment Your Audience Effectively: Divide your email list based on demographics, behavior, or purchase history. This allows you to send targeted and relevant content to specific segments, increasing the chances of engagement and conversion.
  2. Craft Compelling and Personalized Content: Leverage CRM-driven automation to personalize your email content based on customer preferences, behaviors, and interactions. Tailor your messages to resonate with the individual interests of your audience, fostering a stronger connection.
  3. Use Dynamic Workflows: Set up automated workflows within your CRM system to trigger specific emails based on customer actions. For instance, send a welcome email when a customer subscribes, follow up with personalized recommendations after purchase, or re-engage inactive subscribers with special offers.
  4. Optimize for Mobile: Ensure your automated emails are mobile-friendly. With growing number of users accessing emails on mobile devices, responsive design is crucial for a seamless and engaging user experience.
  5. Regularly Analyze and Adjust: Monitor vital metrics such as open, click-through, and conversion rates. Analyze the data to understand what is working and what needs improvement. Use these insights to adjust your content, timing, and targeting for optimal results.


The power of automated email marketing campaigns, driven by CRM systems, lies in their ability to revolutionize customer engagement.

Professionals can elevate their marketing endeavors by harnessing the benefits of email marketing, addressing the challenges posed by manual campaigns, leveraging CRM-driven automation, implementing personalization and segmentation strategies, and measuring campaign success.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, automated email marketing stands as a beacon of efficiency, effectiveness, and enhanced customer connection.

Learn more about the power of automated email marketing campaigns. Book a FREE consultation and demo with our CRM experts below.

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Email Marketing Excellence: Strategies for Successful Campaigns

3 min read

In today’s fast-paced digital world, where every inbox is inundated with a constant stream of messages, the challenge of standing out in the email marketing arena has never been more significant.

Entrepreneurs and businesses, both large and small, grapple with the same question: How can you ensure your carefully crafted email is noticed in the virtual shuffle?

It’s a question that keeps marketers up at night, and rightly so, considering that email marketing remains one of the most powerful tools in the digital marketer’s arsenal.

The Ever-Evolving Role of Email Marketing

Before we dive into the strategies that can make your email marketing campaigns truly excel, let’s take a moment to appreciate the enduring significance of this channel.

Despite the proliferation of new marketing channels and the rise of social media, email remains a linchpin in any comprehensive digital marketing strategy.

Just consider these remarkable statistics: According to Statista, there were a staggering 4.1 billion email users worldwide in 2021, projected to grow to 4.6 billion by 2025. That’s more than half of the world’s population.

Campaign Monitor reports that the average return on investment (ROI) is a staggering $44.25 for every dollar spent on email marketing. That return would make any business owner’s eyes light up.

Furthermore, a study by Litmus found that 78% of marketers have seen an increase in email engagement over the last year. So, contrary to some predictions, email marketing is far from fading into obscurity—it’s evolving.

Crafting Engaging and Personalized Email Content

The first key to email marketing excellence lies in the content you send to your subscribers. No one wants to read another generic, one-size-fits-all message. Today’s consumers crave personalization and relevance. They expect emails that understand their needs and interests.

A report by SmartInsights found that 72% of consumers only engage with personalized messaging. It’s clear that personalization is not just a nice-to-have—it’s a must-have.

According to Accenture, 91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands that provide relevant offers and recommendations. Personalization doesn’t just boost engagement—it drives sales.

So, how do you craft such content? Start by segmenting your email list. 

Segmentation and Targeting Strategies

Segmentation divides your email list into smaller, more targeted groups based on shared characteristics or behaviors. It’s the secret sauce of successful email marketing.

Research by MailChimp reveals that segmented campaigns get 14.64% more opens and 59.99% more clicks than non-segmented campaigns. According to Econsultancy, 74% of marketers say targeted personalization increases customer engagement.

Segmentation allows you to tailor your content to specific audience segments, delivering messages that resonate with their unique needs and preferences. For instance, you would send a different email to a first-time visitor than a loyal customer.

By segmenting, you can ensure that each subscriber receives content relevant to their stage in the customer journey.

Email Campaign Automation and Optimization

Automation is another critical component of email marketing excellence. It’s not just about saving time; it’s about delivering the right message at the right time.

According to a report by Adestra, 74.9% of email marketers said they were using automation in 2019, which has likely grown since then. The same report found that automated emails had a 69.7% higher open rate and a 152.1% higher click-through rate than non-automated emails. 

Automation allows you to send personalized, timely messages without manual intervention. Whether it’s a welcome email to new subscribers, a birthday discount, or an abandoned cart reminder, automation ensures that your audience receives relevant content when it matters most.

CRM’s Role in Email Marketing

Now, let’s circle back to CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems, the unsung heroes of email marketing excellence. 

A robust CRM system is pivotal in helping entrepreneurs and businesses address the challenges of crafting and executing effective email marketing campaigns. Here’s how:

  1. List Management: A CRM system lets you maintain clean, up-to-date email lists by automatically removing unsubscribed or bounced email addresses. This ensures that your emails reach active, engaged subscribers.
  2. Segmentation: CRM systems offer advanced segmentation capabilities, enabling you to categorize your subscribers based on various criteria such as demographics, purchase history, and engagement level. This empowers you to send highly targeted and personalized emails, increasing their relevance and impact.
  3. Automation: CRM systems integrate seamlessly with email marketing platforms, facilitating the automation of email campaigns. Whether drip campaigns, behavioral triggers, or personalized follow-ups, CRM-driven automation ensures that the right message reaches the right person at the right time.
  4. Analytics: CRM systems provide detailed analytics and reporting on email performance. You can track open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and more. These insights allow you to continually refine your email marketing strategy continually, optimizing for better results.


In conclusion, email marketing is a potent tool for entrepreneurs and businesses. To excel in this digital age, you must recognize its importance and leverage the right strategies and tools.

With its robust capabilities in list management, segmentation, automation, and analytics, a CRM system is the linchpin that can elevate your email marketing campaigns to a whole new level of excellence.

With CRM by your side, you can engage, nurture, and convert your subscribers like never before, ensuring that your emails reach and resonate with your audience, driving lasting success in your digital marketing endeavors.

Want to learn more about tools to automate your email marketing campaigns? Talk to our experts. Book a FREE demo below.

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How to Convert Leads Using Email Marketing in 2023

In the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape, specific strategies have stood the test of time, and email marketing is undoubtedly one of them.

Despite the emergence of new marketing avenues, email marketing remains a stalwart in the arsenal of businesses seeking to convert leads into loyal customers. 

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of email marketing, discussing its pros and cons in 2023 and presenting five actionable tips to help you effectively convert leads.

Is Email Marketing Still Relevant in 2023?

The question on everyone’s mind: Is email marketing still worth it? The answer is a resounding yes. Email marketing has evolved, adapting to changing consumer behaviors and technological advancements. Here are a few reasons why:

1. Direct and Personalized Communication

Email marketing provides a direct line of communication between businesses and their target audience. Unlike social media or search engine advertisements that compete for attention amidst myriad distractions, emails arrive directly in the recipient’s inbox.

This direct access enables businesses to craft personalized messages that cater to the individual’s preferences, behaviors, and purchasing history.

Email marketing establishes a sense of connection and trust by addressing customers by their names and tailoring content to their interests, fostering more robust customer relationships.

2. High Return on Investment (ROI)

One of the most convincing arguments for the longevity of email marketing is its exceptional return on investment. According to industry reports, email marketing boasts an average ROI of $42 for every $1 spent.

This impressive figure outshines many other marketing strategies, showcasing the efficiency and effectiveness of email campaigns.

With its relatively low cost and high potential for revenue generation, email marketing remains an attractive option for businesses of all sizes, from startups to multinational corporations.

3. Effective Lead Nurturing

Email marketing is a nurturing tool that guides potential customers through the sales funnel stages. By delivering relevant and engaging content at various touchpoints along the customer journey, businesses can effectively nurture leads until they are ready to purchase.

Whether introducing leads to your brand, educating them about your products, or addressing their concerns, email campaigns ensure that leads stay engaged and informed, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

4. Data-Driven Insights and Continuous Optimization

In the digital age, data is a goldmine, and email marketing offers a treasure trove of insights. Advanced email marketing platforms provide analytics that offer valuable metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.

These metrics enable marketers to gauge the effectiveness of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions for continuous improvement.

Businesses can fine-tune their strategies by analyzing customer engagement patterns, preferences, and behaviors, ensuring that each subsequent email resonates better with the audience.

Pros of Email Marketing

Here are the benefits of using email marketing:

  • Direct and Personalized: Email marketing allows you to establish a direct line of communication with potential customers. Tailored content and personalized recommendations foster a sense of connection and trust.
  • High ROI: Reports reveal that email marketing boasts an impressive return on investment (ROI), with an average of $42 for every $1 spent 1.
  • Effective Lead Nurturing: Emails guide leads through the sales funnel with relevant content, nurturing them until they are ready to purchase.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Advanced analytics provide insights into open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, enabling continuous optimization.

Cons of Email Marketing

Here are the disadvantages of using email marketing:

  • Overwhelmed Inboxes: The challenge lies in standing out amidst a flood of emails. Crafting compelling subject lines and content becomes crucial.
  • Spam Concerns: Striking the balance between informative content and avoiding spam filters requires careful consideration.
  • Mobile Compatibility: Ensuring emails are mobile-responsive is vital, as many users access emails on mobile devices.

Five Tips to Convert Leads Using Email Marketing

Here are five tips to remember when looking to convert leads using email marketing:

1. Segment Your Audience

One-size-fits-all emails are a thing of the past. Utilize your CRM data to segment your audience based on demographics, behaviors, and preferences. Targeted emails yield a 14.31% higher open rate than non-segmented counterparts.

2. Craft Compelling Content

Your content should resonate with your audience’s pain points and aspirations. Storytelling, valuable insights, and clear calls-to-action (CTAs) can significantly increase engagement.

3. Implement A/B Testing

Experiment with different subject lines, email designs, and CTAs to identify what resonates best with your audience. A/B testing can boost click-through rates by up to 49%.

4. Establish Automated Workflows

Leverage your CRM’s automation features to set up email workflows. Send welcome emails, nurture leads with a series of emails, and re-engage inactive leads, all without manual intervention.

5. Provide Exclusive Offers

Incentivize leads with exclusive offers, discounts, or free resources. Studies show that 72% of consumers are likely to open an email with a value in the subject line.

CRM Features that Elevate Email Marketing

CRM systems offer a wealth of features that can take your email marketing to the next level:

  • Automated Personalization: CRM data empowers you to create highly personalized emails based on user behavior, increasing engagement and conversion rates.
  • Segmentation and Targeting: CRM segmentation allows for hyper-targeted emails, ensuring your messages resonate with the right audience.
  • Automated Workflows: Set up automated email sequences based on user actions, guiding leads through the sales journey without manual intervention.
  • Analytics and Optimization: CRM analytics provide insights into what works and what doesn’t, enabling you to continuously refine your email marketing strategy.

As digital marketing continues to evolve, the enduring power of email marketing remains undeniable.

By following the actionable tips outlined in this guide and harnessing the capabilities of CRM systems, you can create impactful email campaigns that engage, nurture, and ultimately convert leads into loyal customers.

Want to get access to tools for email marketing? Want to learn how you can convert more leads using email marketing? Talk to us. Book a FREE demo below with our experts.

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4 Best Practices for Effective Email Marketing Campaigns

2 min read

Email marketing remains a potent tool in the digital marketing arsenal, and with the right strategies and tools, it can yield impressive results.  

In this article, we’ll delve into email marketing, uncovering best practices to help you craft compelling campaigns, segment your audience, design templates that convert, and analyze your campaign’s effectiveness. Let’s get started.

Make Your Email Campaigns Look and Sound Compelling

An effective email campaign begins with a well-defined strategy. Using email marketing tools like Saphyte, you can plan, execute, and refine your campaigns for optimal impact without breaking a sweat. Here are a few tips in crafting compelling email marketing campaigns:

  1. Start by setting clear goals – lead generation, customer retention, or promoting a new product.
  2. Define your target audience based on demographics, behavior, or previous interactions, ensuring your content resonates with the proper recipients.
  3. Begin with a strong subject line that captures attention and entices recipients to open the email.
  4. Personalization is critical – address the recipient by name and tailor content to their preferences.
  5. Craft engaging content with images, videos, and concise text that conveys your message effectively.
  6. Make your email mobile-responsive, considering that 46% of all email opens occur on mobile devices

Segment Your Audience for Maximum Impact

Segmentation is the cornerstone of successful email marketing, and Saphyte CRM’s robust segmentation features enable you to deliver highly targeted content. Leverage customer data, purchase history, and engagement patterns to divide your audience into segments.

This allows you to send tailored messages that resonate with recipients’ interests and needs, boosting open rates, click-through rates, and overall engagement.

Personalizing your campaigns based on segmentation can yield remarkable results. Research indicates that personalized emails deliver six times higher transaction rates.

For instance, segment your audience based on their purchase history and send tailored recommendations or exclusive offers. Email marketing tools like Saphyte simplify this process, letting you create dynamic content blocks that automatically adapt based on recipient attributes.

The result? Engaging, relevant emails that build stronger customer relationships.

Design Templates that Convert

Your email’s visual appeal is pivotal to its success. It’s important to have a tool that offers a gallery of customizable templates that you can tweak to match your brand’s identity. Focus on a clean layout that guides the recipient’s eyes from the headline to the call-to-action (CTA).

Place your CTA prominently, employing contrasting colors to make it stand out. Remember, a single CTA can increase clicks by 371% and sales by 1617%.

Personalization doesn’t stop at the subject line; it extends to the email body. Incorporate dynamic content that addresses the recipient by name and tailors product recommendations based on past interactions.

A sense of urgency can drive action, so include limited-time offers or countdowns. Furthermore, optimize your email for accessibility by using alt text for images and maintaining a logical structure for screen readers.

Analyze Campaign Effectiveness

Saphyte CRM’s email marketing module doesn’t just stop at sending emails; it empowers you with insights to refine your strategies. Track key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to gauge the effectiveness of your campaigns.

A/B testing is a valuable tool – experiment with different subject lines, CTAs, and content to identify what resonates best with your audience.

Additionally, delve into the engagement patterns of your recipients. Saphyte CRM provides detailed analytics on which links were clicked, how long recipients engaged with the content, and whether they shared the email.

This data offers a wealth of information to optimize your future campaigns. You can also track the journey of individual recipients, enabling personalized follow-ups based on their interactions.


Email marketing with Saphyte CRM transcends the traditional approach, offering a comprehensive suite of tools to create, deploy, and refine your campaigns.

By embracing best practices such as strategic planning, audience segmentation, personalized content, and thorough analytics, you can elevate your email marketing efforts to drive meaningful engagement and conversions.

With Saphyte CRM as your partner, email marketing becomes a playground for innovation and success. Want to learn more about email marketing and how to automate this process? Talk to us. Book a FREE demo below.

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5 Easy Steps to Create an Email Newsletter

2 min read

What is an email newsletter? How does it benefit businesses? And how can you start building a newsletter subscription? Read on to find out.

There’s a reason why 81% of B2B marketers use email newsletters the most for content marketing. It’s one of the best ways out there to establish an instant connection with your target customers, establish long-term relationships by providing value, and drive sales by encouraging them to make a purchase. 

But if you don’t know how to get started, then this guide is for you. Here, we’ll explain how you can create an email newsletter in five easy steps:

1. Have an email newsletter tool ready

When creating a newsletter, we highly recommend having an email newsletter tool as this makes the job a lot easier.

Saphyte, for example, lets you automate tasks such as the gathering of contact details such as email addresses through your landing pages, or scoring leads depending on the conditions that you’ve set. 

Learn more about email marketing here.

2. Identify your business goal(s)

The next important step is to identify your business goal and how the newsletter fits that goal. 

Many companies launch a newsletter strategy to achieve the following goals:

  • Drive more traffic to the blog
  • Generate leads
  • Drive more traffic to the website
  • Promote new products and services

It’s also important to have KPIs and metrics ready to assess your performance. But make sure these metrics can meaningfully assess the impact of your newsletter efforts. For example, open rates do not necessarily mean you are already generating leads. Some metrics can better assess that like clickthrough rates or conversion rates.

3. Prepare your design and content

Next, using your chosen newsletter tool, select a template for your email newsletter. Then add in your chosen content.

Make sure your content is intentional, responsive to customer needs and preferences, and timely. These criteria increase the chance that your target customer will open and click on your email. 

You can also allow your target audience to only subscribe to certain themes or topics to limit the type of content they will receive.

4. Hit send

The next thing to do is to send your email, monitor your performance, and make decisions based on the results. Don’t forget to test your email first on how they’re going to appear on different browsers and different devices before sending.

5. Assess and Evaluate

The last thing to do when having a newsletter is to assess and evaluate its impact and effectiveness. Identify how it contributes to your brand and determine what needs to be done to improve its performance.

Having a tool that prepares the analytics for you would be extremely helpful so that all your sales and marketing will have to do is focus on more important tasks such as interpreting the results and making strategic business decisions based on them.

Have a Newsletter Today

Excited to find out how a newsletter is going to impact your organization? Talk to our experts at Saphyte and try having one today! Book a demo here for FREE.

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Best Examples of Abandoned Cart Emails to Encourage Purchase Decisions

3 min read

Abandoned cart emails are a great way to encourage customers who have abandoned carts to make an actual purchase. Learn how to best do it from these great examples.

There are more abandoned carts online than you think. Research found that an average of 69% of online carts are being abandoned. But with abandoned cart emails, customers are enticed to visit their carts again and make an actual purchase.

To learn how you can craft an email to encourage customers to pick up their abandoned carts and make a purchase, we’ve curated a list of the best examples of abandoned cart emails for you:

1. 23andMe

This biotechnology company has become known for its comprehensive ancestry breakdown and personalized health insights over the internet.

The company’s abandoned cart email is simple and straightforward. It integrated its brand’s color palette into the email, proposed its value, and its CTA button revealed a sense of urgency.

2. Google

One of the most successful companies in the world is successful for a reason— and this extends to their sales and marketing efforts.

Here, you’ll notice a great copy from Google. The texts “Going, going, (almost) gone” is not only engaging and compelling, but it also has a sense of urgency that makes customers want to make a purchase right away.

The email also contains the actual product of the abandoned cart and the CTA redirects the recipient to the cart.

3. Moschino

A visual company needs a visual email and Moschino does it so well with their abandoned cart email.

The email contains the products that the customer added to the cart. It prompts the customer to check out what they’re missing. The CTA button is simple and straightforward. Visual cues such as “secure payments” and “easy returns” also help improve customer trust and experience during checkout.

4. Warby Parker

This New York-based online retailer of prescription glasses, contact lenses, and sunglasses starts its abandoned cart email with a catchy subject line: 

The email also includes a call to action to complete the checkout plus customer testimonials that make it easy for customers to make the purchase through social proofing.

5. Zalando

This Germany-based online retailer of shoes, fashion, and beauty has mastered the art of abandoned cart emails. Its subject line is timely and compelling, making it highly likely for customers to click on the email and proceed to checkout.

Zalando also displays the item that is on sale, showing the original price and the discounted price.

6. Esqido

This beauty company also does so well with its abandoned cart emails. It contains critical elements that make an abandoned cart email successful such as urgency, simplicity, and social proofing.

The CTA is simple and straightforward. It also imposes a sense of urgency. 

The email also contains positive 5-star reviews, making it easier to convince customers who abandoned their carts to proceed to make a purchase.

Effortless Email Marketing

Email marketing can now be done easily. With a digital ecosystem like Saphyte, you can now automatically create a list of customers and send targeted emails based on specific criteria. This helps you achieve marketing objectives in no time. 

Want to know more about how you can send abandoned cart emails without breaking a sweat? Learn from our experts at Saphyte. Book a FREE demo now.

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How to Segment Audiences for Email Marketing

3 min read

Want to know how you can segment your audience for your email marketing campaigns? Learn how to do it in seven easy steps.

Sending an email blast to a list of customers without understanding their needs and priorities is not only wasteful of time, energy, and resources, but it also risks customers having a bad impression of your brand.

To make sure you’re only sending relevant information, it’s important to segment customers based on commonalities.

Some of the common factors that bind customers together are their interests, age, gender, and company industry. When you segment customers together based on these commonalities, it helps you understand customers’ challenges better.

You’re also 130% more likely to know their intentions, according to research, which helps you launch a more responsive sales and marketing strategy.

How Does Email Segmentation Work

Email segmentation works by dividing your email lists into smaller “segments” based on certain criteria such as age, sex, interests, buying intention, etc.

No two customers are the same. That’s why it’s important to understand why a customer subscribed to your email list and what type of information they want to get in the future.

One of your subscribers may find promotional offers and discounts helpful, while others may only want guides or expert advice coming from you.

By separating these two apart, you ensure that you only send information that is relevant to a target segment— promotional offers to the audience that actively looks for promos, and expert advice to the audience that only wants to get advice from you.

What is the Best Way to Segment Customers

Here’s how you can start segmenting your audience:

1. Gather as much information about your customers as possible

The first step to segmenting customers is to identify first who they are. Gathering as much information about them as possible. More data can help you in your analysis. 

Through surveys, you can gather details like location, interests, buying habits, and your customers’ demographics. The information you get from your customers will help you learn how to improve your products and services, and how best to provide value to the market. 

Tools like digital ecosystems and customer relationship management (CRM) systems can help you massively when doing this. 

2. Divide your audience based on commonalities

After gathering important data about your customers, the next step is to divide your audience into segments, based on commonalities. Find the common features among your audience. And be sure to keep each segment distinct from the others.

3. Create customer personas

Customer personas are more accurate representations of your customers based on data and information you’ve gathered from them and the market. It helps you design content that is responsive and relevant to them and their values.

When creating personas, try to identify the friction points between your business and your target customers. Address the objections that they may have to your product or service and prepare to address future concerns. Match your brand’s voice to your customer personas’ preferred communication styles.

4. Explore customer needs

After crafting your customer personas, the next step is to understand your customers’ needs at a deeper level. This includes digging deeper into your audience’s desires, value systems, and even needs that your customers do not know themselves.

This can be done through surveys at stages through progressive profiling. You can also include a customer feedback loop to know more about your customers’ thoughts and experiences with your brand. You can also delve deeper into what your customers think about your competitors’ products and services.

Another thing to note about customer needs is that you can identify them by determining research keywords, search terms, and frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to your product. This helps you know more about your customers’ needs without asking them directly about these needs.

5. Link your product and service value to customer needs

The next step is to connect the needs of your consumers with your brand’s product or service. 

This is where sales and marketing step in. Try to highlight how your products and services address the pain points of your customers. And how it can deliver value over time.

6. Prioritize high-value segments 

Some segments offer higher value than others— meaning, that in terms of sales, they generate higher value than other segments. Channel your focus on these segments. And prioritize these groups when you have to invest in sales and marketing efforts.

7. Evaluate your strategies

All strategies have to be evaluated at the end to ensure they work. Strategies cost companies resources to run, so make sure they’re delivering results. 

Start Segmenting Your Email List

Want to know how you can effortlessly gather data about your customers to segment them effectively? Talk to our experts and book a demo now for FREE.

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Top 6 Email Metrics to Improve Your Lead Conversion

2 min read

Email metrics are important to assess whether your email campaigns are working to your advantage. Read on to find out more about email metrics and how you can improve your lead conversion with them.

Email marketing is one of the most used strategies nowadays. It helps businesses engage customers and keep the brand on top of mind. The problem is: many businesses don’t know what to look for to know if their emails are working.

That’s why in this article, we’ll list the most important email marketing KPIs you need to watch out for and how you can improve them.

1. Open Rate

The email open rate refers to how many people opened your email out of the total number of recipients. This metric is important in determining whether your subject line is catchy enough to capture the attention of your target audience or whether your brand is trusted by your target audience to open your email.

According to a study, the average email open rate for all industries is 21.33%, so if you score a better rate, that means your campaign performance is above average.

To improve your email open rates, we suggest A/B testing your subject lines, determining the best time to send emails according to your target audience, or conducting email segmentation for your customers.

2. Click Rate

Click rates refer to how many of your delivered emails resulted in a click. This metric is important in determining the number of recipients who clicked on at least one link in your email.

The average click rate globally is 1.27%, so if your result is lower than that, then you might want to try the following:

  • Optimize your email content by making them more timely, relevant, and responsive to your target audience’s needs and interests. 
  • Testing a more catchy and responsive headline.
  • Segmenting your audience
  • Changing your lead generation strategy to attract more qualified leads— those interested in engaging with your brand.

3. Conversion Rate

Conversion rate refers to the number of recipients who have completed the desired action in your email— clicking on a call-to-action (CTA) button, making a purchase, etc.

There are a number of ways to improve your conversion rate, which include improving your mailing list, making your email content more targeted, or designing a more appealing landing page, as mentioned above.

4. Email Open Time

Email open times refer to how long your audience is taking to open your emails. The shorter the time, the better. This metric allows you to understand if your audience is eager to interact with your email.

To improve your email open times, try determining the best times for a particular segment (ex: customers segmented based on location or job positions).

5. Email Read Time

Email read times refer to how much time your recipients are spending reading your email content. This is important in determining the relevance of your content to your target audience. The longer the time, the better. 

Improving this may require some time and effort (trial and error). But you can start by experimenting with email structures and content types, and by integrating personalization.

6. Email Marketing ROI

Email marketing ROI refers to how much your business is getting from the resources it spent on email marketing like ad spending, manpower, etc. This metric is important to determine whether you should continue with email marketing as a marketing strategy in general.

To improve your email marketing ROI, you need to improve your other email marketing metrics as well. You can also use tools that allow you to implement smart automation. 

This means that the tools will handle the email marketing for you such as sending emails based on schedule or when certain conditions are triggered (e.g. a new subscriber).

This reduces the resources necessary to run email campaigns (i.e. you don’t need to hire additional manpower to perform email marketing tasks), which leads to better email marketing ROI.

Better email marketing with Saphyte

Want to learn more about tools to improve your email marketing performance? Talk to our experts now. Book a FREE demo here.

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How to Organically Grow Your Email Subscription List

3 min read

Learn more about how to organically grow your email subscription list, a crucial part of running a meaningful email marketing strategy.

Many companies do not know how to organically grow their email subscription list. This makes it hard for them to run their email marketing strategy and achieve meaningful sales and marketing objectives.

To make your job easier for you, we’ve listed down tips on how you can grow your email list without buying them off the internet. Let’s get started.

1. Offer value in exchange for subscription

One of the most effective ways to get someone to subscribe to your email list is to offer something that the customer would find valuable. This can be information that they’re interested in or are actively looking for or tools that can help them work easily. 

Many companies offer lead magnets such as an eBook, a PDF report, an inspiring or motivational video series, an infographic, or even a discount on a product or service.

Find something that your target customers would find valuable and offer that as your lead magnet.

Companies like HubSpot offer guides to get leads’ contact details for their email campaigns.

Learn more about developing a content marketing strategy here.

2. Personalize your offers

Customers have different needs and priorities at every stage of the sales process. You may even be able to predict what they need depending on the sales channel they’re using. 

Because of this, it’s important to personalize your offers depending on what they need. Offering them discounts at the first stage of the sales process may not be needed as the customer is still looking for information about your product. 

Offering detailed product information may no longer be needed if the customer has already gone through many steps after discovering your brand and is close to purchasing your product.

Making sure your offers are personalized ensures a high level of success in closing the deal.

3. Differentiate yourselves from competition

When offering lead magnets, it’s important to identify and communicate to customers what you can do that your competition isn’t able to do. This guarantees that the customer understands your unique value proposition, and will make it likely for the customer to avoid scanning the market for alternatives.

4. Have a straightforward CTA button

Your CTA button should also be simple and straightforward and redirect the customer to a landing page where they need to be. This must be sensitive to their stage of the sales process. 

Do not redirect customers that still need a lot of convincing to a page where they would make a purchase. It’s important to note that the CTA button must communicate clearly what value the customer will get after clicking the button.

5. Make your content shareable

If you’re trying to grow your email list, make sure your content is shareable. Those that have subscribed to your email campaigns may find it valuable enough to share it with friends and family. This makes the spread of your content through word-of-mouth communication easier to do. 

6. Connect through social media

Social media is one of the best places to get customers to sign up for email campaigns. Not only are most people active on social media platforms, but these social media platforms can deliver and spread information fast.

It’s also easy to promote your brand on social media organically or through paid content. This allows you to instantly connect with a massive target audience and get them to sign up for your email campaign.

Check out our list of the best social media campaigns here.

7. Conduct A/B testing

A/B testing is an important way of assessing the effectiveness of the elements of your sales and marketing strategy. This type of testing will tell your subscribers’ preferences over things such as:

  • Subject line
  • Type of Content
  • Color or Style
  • Schedule When Email is Sent

8. Engage through your employees

Get more people to sign up by making your messages sound more personal by coursing them through your employees. Have a “human tone” by signing off using your employees’ signatures. 

Below is an example of how Semrush, an American SEM company, uses a “human face” to communicate with target audiences.

You can also add customer reviews or feedback to social proof— making it easier to convince your target audience to sign up to be part of your email list.

Easier Email Marketing

Get access to a complete set of tools to easily gather customer data and grow your audience now with Saphyte. 

Saphyte provides a powerful digital ecosystem that can help you boost your sales, marketing, and support functions. Learn more from our experts and book a demo now for FREE.

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Amazon and Email Marketing: Tips to Get You Started for 2023

2 min read

As Amazon now allows businesses on the platform to send free emails to shoppers, how can you maximize this feature for the holidays? Learn how to get started.

Amazon recently announced that it will let brands and merchants send marketing emails to shoppers for free, a feature that may help boost sales for brands on the platform amidst slowing sales.

The “Tailored Audiences” tool allows sellers to send emails to shoppers who purchased recently, those who made repeated purchases, and those who spent the most. The sellers may also reportedly monitor their results using the platform.

With this new feature, what are the things to keep in mind to help you get started? Check out our tips for Amazon email marketing for 2023.

1. Avoid spamming your customers with non-personalized, zero-value emails

After the announcement of the feature’s release (which will be early next year), many of the concerns revolved around how it could spam the inbox of Amazon users with useless emails.

Although customers can opt-out of marketing emails anytime, it’s still important to consider the power of email marketing and the importance of keeping your target customers connected. 

You can prevent customers from unsubscribing by providing emails with value— those that are not only responsive to their needs and preferences but also those that educate customers and allow them to participate in.

2. Gather data and experiment with results for each category

Data is extremely important when it comes to email marketing. The data and information that you’ve gathered from your target market help you decide what content to send and to whom.

But gathering data isn’t enough. You also have to determine whether your email marketing strategy is working for each customer.

For example, some repeat customers may want variety, while others may prefer information related to their past purchases. Or discounts may work for some high-value customers (those who made above-average purchases), but they may not work for some.

That’s why experimenting with results is important. It helps you understand your customers better as one trick may not work for all. 

3. Reward those who stay

With customers able to opt out of your email list, it’s important to remind them that it’s good to stay connected as they will be rewarded for it.

Email marketing has been proven to help increase brand loyalty and drive sales. But it will only work if your customers are convinced that it’s beneficial for them. 

Make your emails catchy. Reward them for opening them. Offer email-exclusive promos or discounts. Determine the most effective ways to get them to stay.

4. Take advantage of events and seasons

Emails should not just be responsive to needs and preferences, they should also be timely. 

Seasonal email campaigns help you take advantage of seasons and calendar events and offer time-limited promos. These emails also help you provide a sense of urgency to customers to take an action within the specified time.

5. Promote your business values

One thing to help you set yourself apart from the competition, especially when you’re competing for attention in your target customer’s inbox, is by promoting your business values. 

Values like transparency, integrity, and social responsibility help you stand out and be remembered by your audience. You can demonstrate these values through your content like blogs, videos, and newsletters.

Learn how you can improve your email marketing

Discover how you can do email marketing outside Amazon with a complete digital ecosystem like Saphyte. 

Saphyte is built to provide you with all the tools and features you need to upgrade your sales, marketing, customer support, and team connectivity. Talk to our experts now and book a demo for free.

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