Empathy Driven CRM Proving Successful

Published on September 28, 2020
2 min read
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2 min read

In a rapidly transforming world where technologies are toppling, empathy has become a core characteristic that transforms functionality into meaningful customer experiences. That is why small businesses use empathy to their marketing and sales advantage.

There’s no denying that empathy is a force that moves small to medium businesses forward.

Investing in empathy is not only a bottom up approach but it’s also a wiser move for businesses. As this approach affects culture, processes, and strategic design. Empathy should be initiated and continually reflected with the leadership team.

Not only that but empathy is also the driving force behind business communication. With that, it is essential for small businesses to have the tools that enable them to become effective at whatever business they do – empathizing with what the customers need.

This is where a customer relationship management (CRM) software comes into the picture. However, the question remains: how can a piece of platform help business drive forward?

The answer is simple: the right CRM tool can enable businesses to better understand their consumers, enabling them to address the needs of their consumers. Here are some features that can prove that CRM is an empathy driven software.

Contact Data Management

Managing your data is an essential part to your business, especially if you’re aiming to be empathetic. Driving empathy to your customers doesn’t just mean being better at your products but also becoming better at understanding your customers.

So, how can a CRM achieve this?

A CRM has the ability to organize, segment, and categorize your contacts. At the same time, you and your sales team will gain a 360-view of your customer’s needs and behavioral patterns.

Remember, understanding is the driving force for empathy. Having the ability to understand your customer’s wants and needs gives you a sales and marketing advantage. With the right CRM platform, you are able to do so.

Sales and Marketing Tools

Gaining an understanding of your customer’s needs is one thing, having the tools to address those needs is a different matter alltogether. With the right CRM platform, you’ll have the tools you need to maximize your sales and marketing potential.

When you have a CRM, you are able to organize your sales process through effective pipelines, score your leads accordingly, and access customer information – all in one platform.

Having tools to organize your sales pipeline can streamline your business process, prioritize important and essential tasks, and minimize unnecessary sales activities that can greatly benefit businesses.

In the marketing spectrum, CRM tools are built with marketing tools to help businesses customize their marketing paraphernalia. Having the ability to customize your marketing initiatives is a great advantage for your marketing ventures.

A CRM software features marketing tools such as email marketing, email template maker, email senders, and email trackers. Equipping your marketing team with the ability to customize the marketing experience for your customers is a way of feeding interest to your customers.

With the right CRM, you are giving your marketing team an advantage to aggressively pursue your target audience and gather more leads for your sales team to work on. Having an effective sales and marketing team leads to better customer experience, and better customer experience leads to repeat business.

Customization and Automation

Having the ability to be scalable and flexible is another great advantage. As human emotions have the ability to become fickle, having a tool that allows you to customize and automate can go a long way.

With the right CRM platform, you can do so. Most CRM tools give you the ability to customize and automate tasks, allowing you the opportunity to provide your customers with your undivided attention.

When your customers enjoy undivided attention, it builds your business integrity. Business integrity then leads to brand value. Brand value then leads to stability and growth. You get the idea!


Pursuing empathy might be a long shot in hindsight, but having the right tool can get you there. In your search for an empathy-driven CRM, consider choosing Saphyte.

Saphyte CRM supports your business and streamlines all of your corporate and marketing activities, and integrates them into one powerful platform. The system is built to manage your customer data, conduct marketing tactics and strategies, create smooth and seamless processes for people with administrative roles, and identify opportunities for the long haul.

With Saphyte’s pay-as-you-go monthly fees, businesses can ease the burden of financial constraints. No set-up fees, no hidden charges, inclusive of a free demo, and a 24/7 customer support readily available in every subscription plan. 

Start pursuing empathy-driven strategies for your business, start by choosing Saphyte as your CRM partner. Contact us for a free demo or start your free trial now.

September 28, 2020