5 Ways to Build a High-Performing Remote Team

Published on March 25, 2024
3 min read
Team and Workspace
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3 min read

The evolving landscape of work has propelled remote teams into the spotlight, challenging entrepreneurs to rethink their team-building and management strategies. Establishing a high-performing remote team requires deliberate efforts and tailored approaches. 

In this article, we’ll explore five essential strategies entrepreneurs can implement to cultivate a culture of excellence and productivity within their remote teams. Let’s get started.

Hiring and Onboarding Remote Talent

The foundation of a high-performing remote team lies in the meticulous process of hiring and onboarding remote talent. Beyond evaluating skills and qualifications, entrepreneurs must focus on self-discipline, communication skills, and the ability to thrive in a remote work environment.

This deliberate approach ensures that team members are equipped to navigate the challenges and autonomy of remote work.

Once hired, effective onboarding becomes crucial in integrating remote team members seamlessly into the organizational structure.

Leveraging digital onboarding tools and creating comprehensive guides can help new hires acclimate to the team’s processes and expectations. Entrepreneurs set the stage for a cohesive and high-performing team by investing time in selecting and integrating remote talent.

One notable example is GitLab, which has successfully built a remote-first culture. GitLab emphasizes hiring individuals who are self-motivated and proactive in communication.

Through their transparent handbook, GitLab provides a comprehensive guide for onboarding, ensuring that new hires seamlessly integrate into the remote work environment.

Setting Clear Expectations and Goals

Clarity in expectations and goals is fundamental for remote team success. Entrepreneurs must articulate clear work-hours guidelines, communication protocols, and project milestones.

Transparent communication establishes a shared understanding among team members, minimizing misunderstandings and fostering a collaborative environment.

Setting specific, measurable, and achievable goals provides remote teams with a roadmap for success. Entrepreneurs can utilize project management tools to outline tasks, deadlines, and individual responsibilities, ensuring that every team member is aligned with the objectives.

This clarity enhances individual and collective accountability and contributes to a sense of purpose and direction within the remote team.

Providing Remote Training and Resources

Remote work often necessitates a reliance on digital tools and platforms. Entrepreneurs must invest in remote training programs to equip team members with the necessary skills to navigate these tools effectively.

From video conferencing platforms to project management software, providing comprehensive training ensures that the remote team can leverage technology seamlessly, minimizing disruptions in workflow.

Moreover, entrepreneurs should create a repository of resources that remote team members can access independently. This repository may include training materials, troubleshooting guides, and FAQs, empowering team members to troubleshoot common issues and enhance their proficiency with digital tools.

By prioritizing ongoing training and resource accessibility, entrepreneurs fortify the remote team’s capacity to work efficiently and collaboratively.

Buffer, a social media management company, prioritizes continuous learning for its remote team. They provide access to a range of learning resources, including courses and workshops, to enhance the skills of their team members.

This commitment to ongoing education empowers remote teams to stay updated on industry trends and technological advancements.

Building Team Culture from Afar

Building a strong team culture within a remote setting requires intentional efforts. Entrepreneurs should foster regular virtual interactions that go beyond work-related discussions. Virtual coffee breaks, team-building activities, and casual check-ins contribute to camaraderie and connectedness among remote team members.

Establishing and reinforcing shared values also plays a pivotal role in building team culture. Entrepreneurs can articulate and celebrate the core values that define the organization, emphasizing their importance in driving collective success.

Recognizing achievements, milestones, and personal events during virtual meetings reinforces a positive team culture that transcends physical boundaries.

Automattic, the company behind WordPress, has successfully cultivated a vibrant remote team culture. They organize meetups and team-building events, allowing remote team members to connect face-to-face periodically.

This approach fosters community and shared experiences, strengthening the team’s bond despite physical distances.

Measuring Remote Team Performance

Measuring remote team performance is critical to optimizing productivity and identifying areas for improvement. Entrepreneurs can utilize key performance indicators (KPIs) tailored to remote work, such as project completion rates, meeting attendance, and individual contribution metrics.

Regular performance reviews provide an opportunity to recognize achievements, address challenges, and align personal goals with organizational objectives.

InVision, a digital product design platform, embraces a data-driven approach to measure remote team performance. They gain insights into individual and team productivity by using analytics tools and performance metrics.

This data-driven approach enables InVision to make informed decisions to improve their remote work strategies continuously.


CRM tools emerge as invaluable assets in measuring and enhancing remote team performance. These tools centralize data, ensuring all team members access relevant information.

Entrepreneurs gain insights into the remote team’s dynamics by tracking activities, projects, and communication within the CRM system. They can make informed decisions to optimize performance.

Building a high-performing remote team demands a strategic and holistic approach. From the initial stages of hiring and onboarding to fostering a robust team culture and leveraging CRM tools for performance measurement, entrepreneurs play a pivotal role in steering their remote teams toward success.

By implementing these five strategies, entrepreneurs can navigate the challenges of remote work, harness its benefits, and cultivate a high-performing team capable of thriving in the digital age.

Learn more about using CRM to navigate the challenges of remote work. Book a FREE demo and consultation with our CRM experts below.

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March 26, 2024