How to Deliver an Experience that Your Customers Would Enjoy

Published on August 19, 2021
2 min read
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2 min read

A successful online business does not settle with closing a sale. It goes beyond—  it makes customers fall in love with the business.

Customer experience (CX) is the top priority for many business professionals. The reason is simple: a good customer experience can help reduce churn and increase sales revenues. According to a report, 81% of companies that provide better customer experience were found to perform better than their competitors. 

More than that, customers are also willing to pay higher prices for better service. In fact, research noted that 86% of customers indicate their willingness to pay more in exchange for better experiences.

So let’s cut to the chase. How can companies deliver an experience that customers would enjoy? Here are 6 ways for you to take note of.

Six Ways To Provide Better Customer Experience

Let’s take a look at strategies that help create a great customer experience strategy. These are found to help improve customer satisfaction, reduce customer churn, and increase profits.

1. Create a goal

The first step that you should take in providing a better customer experience is to have a goal centered on, well, the customer experience. 

Have a vision and provide a set of statements that allow you to materialize that vision. These will be your guiding principles that will help shape your acts and decisions that would ultimately result in providing a better customer experience.

2. Understand your customers better

It’s hard to provide a better customer experience without understanding your customers first. To do this, gather data from them that reflects their needs, interests, and preferences.

And it’s not just enough to collect feedback. Make sure that their feedback is authentic. And you can do this by strategically placing a feedback loop mechanism at certain points of the buying process.

For example, allowing customers to provide feedback at the end of the purchase allows you to gauge their satisfaction with their purchase. You can also reward this behavior by providing incentives after every feedback given. 

You can also understand your customers— even from the start— by allowing them to fill out forms in exchange for lead magnets.

Learn more about customer profiling here:

3. Do it from the start

As mentioned above, gathering data can be done all throughout the buying process. And it includes the start of the buying process— when customers are still considered as leads.

Map the customer journey and experience— what do leads feel at the starting point of your engagement? What pushes them to take the next step? What generates and sustains interest? And what makes them stay as loyal customers?

Answering these questions through the lens of the customer (or the lead) allows you to correct certain workflows that do not provide an impact during the journey. It should also be highlighted that certain interactions need to be quick before customers lose interest.

Learn more about implementing quick, automated workflows here:

4. Empathize

They say that the best customer experiences are achieved when businesses create an emotional connection with customers. Emotions shape the attitudes that drive decisions— that’s why in mapping customer journeys, what customers feel should be taken into account.

When customers are engaged emotionally, they’re found to be more likely to recommend your business to others, repurchase, and even be less price-sensitive than those that weren’t emotionally engaged.

5. Manage customer expectations

To reduce customer churn, managing customer expectations should be done all throughout the customer journey. Many negative experiences are a result of unmet expectations, so managing expectations help shape the desired customer experience.

Right from that start, it’s suggested to determine what the customer expects from the company. Ask open-ended questions and check what the customer perceives from your business.

Questions like “what kind of results do you expect to achieve at the end of the day?” or “what’s your timeframe?” help businesses address expectations right from the start.

6. Assess and evaluate

At the end of the day, it’s all about data. Did your customer experience strategy produce results that you expect? Were they unsatisfactory? And to answer these questions, you’ll need to have data about your performances.

Using a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software that generates data and insights in real-time helps you gain a better understanding of the customer experience. It also helps you make data-driven decisions so that, at the end of the day, you won’t be second-guessing what to do next to improve your customer experience strategy.

Improve Customer Experience Through Tech

Learn more about how a system can help you gather data and generate insights in real-time. Get started here.

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