How to Create a Customer Persona for Your Business

Published on October 15, 2022
2 min read
Icon Saphyte Team
2 min read

Learn how you can effortlessly create buyer personas for your business with the help of your customers.

A customer persona is a detailed description of your target customer. It is a product of deep research about your existing or target customer and represents a summary of their needs, preferences, and behavior, among others.

Customer personas help you channel your focus into qualified prospects, manage your product and services to suit the needs of target customers, and ensure that all workflows (from marketing to sales) are designed to match the customer personas.

Doing these help you attract leads and customers that provide high value to your business over time.

How to Create a Customer Persona

So how can you create a customer persona for your business? Check our tips below.

1.   Get your customers to participate in your research

Your customers are the most important element of your research. The entire strategy revolves around them and so it’s crucial that you’ll get input from them. Anyone— from the leads that visit your website to your repeat customers— can participate in this research.

You can also automate this process by configuring your website or landing pages to prompt visitors to fill out a form. You can also send emails to subscribers that let them participate in surveys or even interviews.

2.   Collect as much information as possible

Gather as much important and relevant information as needed for your research. You can start with demographic details such as their: Name, Email, Gender, Age, Company Position, and Company Name. Then you can move into more personal information such as their needs, buying habits, preferences, and online behavior, among others.

3.   Dig deeper

Sometimes you need to dig deeper into your customers’ profiles by asking more specific questions. Here, your sales and marketing teams must work together to identify the type of questions you need to ask to get the desired response from your target customers.

For example, identifying whether a product or service may suit a customer may require you to ask more than the standard “Would you like to try this product?” question.

It may be necessary to ask what the customer does on a daily basis, what they like or dislike, or what they prioritize right now to establish the necessary conclusions.

Further assessments and evaluations may be needed to validate the conclusion you’ve arrived at after conducting your research.

4.   Identify the appropriate messaging strategy for the personas created

Once you’ve created your personas, create a messaging strategy that suits these personas’ needs and preferences.

Everyone in your company must be able to speak the language that your personas are speaking, especially when they’re having direct conversations with them. This ensures that your messaging resonates well with your target audience.

Automate Your Data Collection

Effortlessly collect information about your leads and customers with their participation. Automate your workflows and have your sales and marketing teams access a rich database of customer information. Help them establish a solid customer persona which allows them to tailor the sales and marketing experience accordingly.

Need to know more about automating customer data collection? Talk to our experts at Saphyte and book a demo for FREE.

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November 16, 2022