Country Categories

Icon admin
2 min read

Create a list of countries with customized categories like Blacklisted, Whitelisted, Low Risk, High Risk, etc. based on your business requirement.

To set up Country Categories:

1. Go to the Admin Panel.

2. Under the ‘Configuration’ settings, click ‘Countries Categories’.

saphyte countries categories configuration

3. Add a new country category list by clicking on the (+) button.

saphyte add countries categories

4. Save the added category by clicking on the ‘Save Categories’. Categories must be saved first before assigning the countries to this category.


5. Once the category list is created, choose a category from the list.

saphyte assign countries categories

6. Assign the list of countries based on the category by ticking the boxes beside the country name.

saphyte assign countries

7. Click ‘Assign & Save’ to save your data.

saphyte countries categories assign and save