Edit Contacts

Icon admin
2 min read

To edit the contact information in the mobile app:

1. Go to the ‘Contacts‘ tab and select the category of your contacts (Contacts/Leads/Prospects/Customers/Companies).

saphyte mobile app contacts tab

2. Select the contact you want to edit. You will be directed to the contact profile.

saphyte mobile app contact profile

3. Click on the kebab icon and select ‘Edit

saphyte mobile app edit contacts
Kebab icon
saphyte mobile app edit contacts

4. Make the changes in General Details for pre-loaded General fields and Custom Fields in the next section of the contact profile and click on the ‘save’ icon.

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5. You will receive a confirmation that the contact has been updated successfully and clicking ‘Go to Contact‘ will lead you to the contact profile. This same process applies to updating a Lead/Prospect/Customer and Company.

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