Share a Dashboard with your Team

Icon admin
2 min read

You and your team can now view a common dashboard by sharing it.

1. To share your dashboard with your teammates, select the dashboard you want to share from the homepage then click on the located on the far top right of the screen and click on ‘Share’.

saphyte dashboard
saphyte dashboard share button

2. Select the users to whom you want to share a dashboard with then click ‘Share’.

saphyte share dashboard with team member

3. You will receive a notification when your dashboard has been successfully shared.

dashboard shared success message

4. You can check the status of your sharing invite by clicking ‘Shared’ located on the upper right portion of your screen.

saphyte shared dashaboard

The Shared icon will have a yellow dot signifying that there is a notification for an invite. share button

5. You can see the Shared Dashboards menu. The Received tab shows the pending invites while the Sent tab shows the invites you have sent to your teammates.

saphyte dashboard invitation
saphyte shared dashboards