
Icon admin
2 min read

Receive real-time notifications and never miss out on any information by setting your notification preferences. You can opt to receive notifications via email or push notifications on the desktop or mobile version of Saphyte.


To manage notifications:

1. Go to the ‘Admin’ panel.

admin tab

2. Under the ‘System’ menu, click on ‘Notifications’.

3. You can turn on notifications specifically for the Contacts, Leads, Customers, Prospects, Appointments, Deals, Form, and Campaign by ticking the boxes.

how to turn on notification

Box ticked = notification activated

Box unticked = notification deactivated


‘Watch’ Notifications

When you watch a certain module in the system, it will notify you whenever another user makes a change to that module such as update, delete, moved, duplicated, etc.

To watch a notification, click on the icon.

You can also turn on notifications to the modules you only watch by ticking this label on the Notifications settings.

watch notifications