Landing Page Responsiveness

Icon admin
2 min read

A responsive landing page means keeping your design consistent across multiple platforms.

There are many benefits to having a landing page optimized for different devices:

  1. It will provide your users a smooth user experience
  2. Increase reach to customers on smaller hand-held devices. Sixty percent of the searches came from a mobile device.
  3. Stay ahead of the competition. You are more likely to attract customers

How do you check the device responsiveness of your landing page?

On the active editable page, below the title of your landing page, you will find three icons that are clickable to check the responsiveness across different devices. You can click on each icon to check the responsiveness of your design on different devices.

saphyte landing page view
Desktop Responsive
Tablet Responsive
Mobile Responsive

Desktop Responsive

saphyte desktop view

Tablet Responsive

saphyte tablet view

Mobile Responsive

saphyte mobile view