Quote Sender

Icon admin
2 min read

The Quote Sender refers to the email address that you use to send out your quotes to your customers. As an example, you want to use quotes@company.com, your recipients will receive the invoice via email and the email address stated in the ‘From’ field will be quotes@company.com

1. To set your quote sender, go to the Email Sender menu in the Admin panel.

email sender tab

2. Add the email address you want to use as a sender for your invoice by clicking on ‘+Add Sender’

add sender

3. Enter the required details. Tick the ‘Active’ box if you want to enable the email address to be used live in your workspace.

email sender detail

4. Upon clicking ‘Continue’, a confirmation code will be sent to the email address you have entered.

confirmation code

5. Enter the verification code and click ‘OK’. Once the code matches, you will get a confirmation message that the email has been successfully synced and ready to use.

6. On the Email Senders settings, you will see the list of modules on the right part of the screen. Select the email address you want to use for the Quotes.

email sender setting

Once updated, click on ‘Save’

save email sender setting