Add Notes to Customers

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2 min read

Where can I see the notes about my customers?

1.  To see the notes related to your customer, go to the ‘Customers’ section.

saphyte customers tab

2. Choose the Customer profile under the Customers List. For easier search, you can use the ‘Search’ box. Enter either the code, name, phone number, or email address to pull up the lead data, or just select the customer profile from the customers list.

saphyte search box

3. Click on the ‘Notes’ tab. Under the ‘Notes’ tab, you will see the notes related to your Customer . You can also add a new note by simply clicking on the ‘+NEW NOTE’ tab. 

saphyte notes tab

4. Fill in Notes details such as ‘Title’ and your Notes ‘Content’. You can set the format of your content with the use of the ‘formatting toolbar’.

saphyte new note
Bold (B) Make your text bold
Italics (I) Italicize your text
Bullets Create a bulleted list
Numbering Create a numbered list

5. You can select a color among the options like that of a sticky note. Once done, click on the ‘SAVE’ button. Select the ‘X’ to cancel.

saphyte save notes