What are Custom Fields?

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2 min read

The Custom Field feature provides you the flexibility to capture unique information that is tailored to your business processes.

The basic information that the system automatically captures by default is an email address, name, and contact number.

What if you would like to ask, for example, a customer’s ‘budget for the project’ which is not captured automatically in the system? Then it is the time you create a custom field labeled ‘Project Budget’. This custom field can be automated in the system using the workflows so that it will be automatically captured in the database.

Custom Field Types

The custom fields can be set to different types depending on the type of information you want to capture. The custom field types help you to validate the field input in the system.

Single OptionA single checkbox option. This field is used for questions like ‘I accept the terms and conditions’.
CountryAllows the user to choose a country (all country options are available)
TextThe text field allows input of any character (alphanumeric and special characters). By default, a minimum of 2 characters and a maximum of 100 characters are the conditions that must be met in this form element. You can also set minimum and maximum characters to be entered.
List of OptionsThis field is useful to capture answer/s for multiple choices. You can create a list of options in the formats of ‘select’ (drop-down list, single answer), ‘radio button’ (single answer), ‘checkbox’ (multiple answers), ‘multiple’ (multiple answers).
You can also apply scores for each answer by turning the ‘Handle Score’ button on and assigning a score for each of the options.
PhoneThis field allows the input of any contact number in a valid format. The system will verify if the phone number entered matches the country of origin and if it is in the correct format.
NumberThis field allows the input of numeric characters. This field is used for example questions such as Years of Employment, Number of Children, Years of Experience, etc.
LanguageThis field allows the selection of a language. The predefined selection in the system consists of English, Spanish, French, Russian, Georgian, Arabic, and Mandarin.
Date RangeThis field allows the input of the date range. Example questions: ‘Employment Start Date, Employment End Date’.
UserThis field pulls up the data from the Users section in your workspace.
VendorThis field pulls up the data from the Vendors section in your workspace.
Text AreaThis field allows input of more than 100 characters. Used for example fields such as ‘Describe yourself, Cover Letter’
EmailThis field allows the input of email addresses. The system will verify if the email entered follows the correct email format.
DateThis field allows the input of any date. The system will provide the date selector menu.
LinkThis field allows the input of web links. This field is used for example questions such as ‘Portfolio Link, LinkedIn Profile’
PasswordThis is a password field. For security, passwords must have 8 characters as minimum length and contain at least one upper case letter and one number.
Title This field allows the input of a header or title. This field is mostly used to categorize or segment the custom fields and better organize the layout of data.