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Updated: provides the fastest, most reliable payments in more than 150 currencies, with in-country acquiring, world-class fraud filters and reporting through one API. can accept all major international credit and debit cards, as well as popular alternative and local payment methods.

To integrate in your workspace:

1. Go to the ‘Admin’ panel and under the ‘Integrations’ section, click ‘App Marketplace’

saphyte crm app marketplace

2. Under the ‘Payment Service Provider (PSP) Apps’, click ‘Create Account’ on the panel.

Create Account

3. You will then be redirected to the Configuration page. Make sure that you have an active account before proceeding. Click the ‘Integrate with Checkout’ to begin the integration.

saphyte crm integrate with checkout
Integrate with Checkout

4. Fill out the required details and click ‘Save‘ once done.

saphyte crm integrate checkout details
Add credentials
NameIdentifies the name of your account
ActiveMeans that the integration is active
LiveEnables live payment transactions
Secret KeyAPI Secret Key is used to identify your account and you can find it in your Checkout account
Public KeyPublic Key is paired with Secret Key and you can find this in your Hub account

5. Once you have successfully integrated your account, you can now use it in your payment link.

saphyte crm generate payment link
Use the Checkout Account live