Associate a Product with a Quote

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2 min read

To associate a Product to a Quote:

1. Go to the Sales tab from the main navigation bar. Then click ‘Deals’ from the sub-tabs available.

deals tab

2. Click the ‘CREATE’button.

create tab

3. Click on ‘Add Product’ to associate a product with a quote.

add product

4. Select the Product Listing and Product from the drop-down options.

add product from product listing

5. Click on the ‘Add & Close’ button once the product is selected.

add and close

6. Fill out the rest of the required information in the Quote section.

quote information

7. Click on the ‘Next’ button to see the preview of the created Quote.

next button

8. It will direct you to the preview section of the created Quote.

created quote

9. Once finalized, click the ‘Create Quote’ button.

create quote button